Modern Slavery Statement - Sept 2023
Operating from offices in Edinburgh, Scotland, Bristol, England, and San Diego, California, SeeByte has achieved a position of leadership in the development of smart software for underwater vehicles, sensors and systems in both the Military and Energy sectors. SeeByte provides products and services to major government and commercial clients around the world. SeeByte is a subsidiary of Battelle. Battelle is a leader in maritime technologies; enabling rapid development and deployment of solutions for government and industry.
SeeByte Ltd, the main trading company of SeeByte, has offices in Edinburgh, Scotland and Bristol, England. Approximately 90 staff are employed in the UK working on software engineering and software research and development projects, software product development and support and sales, administrative and management functions.
Slavery and Human Trafficking Policies
No specific policies on slavery or human trafficking exist. These matters are addressed by our general polices on recruitment, supply chain management and business ethics. SeeByte considers itself at very low risk of coming in to contact with situations where slavery or human trafficking might be an issue.
Two areas of SeeByte’s supply chain might be exposed to slavery or human trafficking issues.
SeeByte purchases small volumes and small values of consumer electronic equipment. There exists a risk that slavery or human trafficking issues exist in the distant supply chain for these items. SeeByte purchases these electronic items only from reputable and long established suppliers and we rely on their business ethics and supply chain management to ensure that human trafficking and slavery are not present in the supply chain.
SeeByte occupies rented office space in Edinburgh and uses the services of a cleaner via a third-party supplier. We have received assurances from the third-party supplier that they have processes in place to avoid human trafficking or slavery in their recruitment and cleaning operations.
Given our low level of exposure to supply chains with a significant risk of human trafficking or slavery issues it has not been possible to develop any internal metrics to assess our effectiveness.
Human Trafficking and Slavery awareness is an agenda item on the staff induction process and all staff have been made aware of the existence and content of this statement and will be informed of any future changes.