
Our internationally proven, multi-domain, command and control system

SeeTrack provides mission planning, monitoring, and data analysis for single or multi-vehicle operations. As a vendor-neutral solution, SeeTrack has been integrated with numerous world leading robotic and autonomous systems. SeeTrack ensures users learns a single way of working, using a common user interface, and suite of tools to operate multiple assets.


SeeTrack enables navies to effectively collaborate across nations. Through a single integrated system navies can manage assets across the entire fleet. In water trials involving multiple navies provide invaluable user feedback to develop and refine this capability.

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SeeTrack can enable vehicles and payloads to be upgraded or replaced without impact to user workflow or retraining. Urgent operational requirements can be added quickly to address emergent threats, commanders intent, or conduct a unique mission set.

Data Analysis

SeeTrack is designed to handle large volumes of high-resolution data from multiple sensors. Mission review capabilities include target picking using the waterfall sonar review, sensor mosaic tools, and custom report generation.

Data Analysis
Vehicle Agnostic

Vehicle Agnostic

SeeTrack can effectively manage a diverse fleet of assets through a single, integrated user interface, while retaining each assets unique capabilities. Our commercially controlled open architecture means new sensors, sonars, or platforms can be integrated at any stage.

Related products


Neptune is an intelligent autonomy system that enables mission level and collaborative autonomy for complex, multi-vehicle operations.

ATR System

Our ATR System provides a comprehensive suite of tools for operator-assisted ATR and can be tuned for a variety of target types and environments.

Training & Support

We offer comprehensive on-site theoretical and practical training in all our products. We also offer remote and on-site support for users.

Supported Platforms

<p>Artemis<br />(Blueprint Subsea)</p>

(Blueprint Subsea)

<p>Bluefin Robotics<br />(GDMS)</p>

Bluefin Robotics

<p>Iver 2/Iver 3<br />L3 Harris)</p>

Iver 2/Iver 3
L3 Harris)

<p>REMUS (HII)</p>


Supported Side Scan Sonar



<p>Klein<br />(MIND-Technology)</p>


<p>Kraken MINSAS<br />and KATFISH</p>


<p>Marine Sonic <br />Technology</p>

Marine Sonic 

<p>Sonardyne Solstice</p>

Sonardyne Solstice

Supported Forward Look Sonar

<p>Teledyne BlueView</p>

Teledyne BlueView

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